Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Wilbs Doin' Some 'Vestigatin'

Hi, it's me, Klu the Sailor Bear for today. I'm gonna be the Hikin' and Campin' and 'Splorin' Bear in a few days, when we go visit Auntie E and Mr. Gumbles and all the kids. But I gotta tell you 'bout the rest of our bacation on the David B.

There's lots of good food on the David B. That's cuz Auntie Ch is the best cook ever. She makes croissants from scratch (I liked the ones with chocolate inside) and she makes butter from scratch and lots of other stuff. My Big Mummy ate so much her belly got bigger, and Uncle Kermit called her his little sweet potato. (She didn't like that very much.) (Uncle Kermit's belly got bigger too. So did mine. And Wilbs'.) Wilbs did lots of 'vestigatin' 'bout the food cuz she's a pig and pigs are good eaters, you know. Here's a photo of Wilbs 'vestigatin' some blueberry muffins one morning. She got in trouble for 'vestigatin' cuz she got into the basket to do her 'vestigatin'. That meant she was touchin' everyone else's muffins too. It's not polite to touch other people's food, unless you're related to them.

Klu The Bear With The Bigger Belly Now ('Cept I think it got smaller again when we got home.)


  1. icky, your Piggy friend was touching all the food?

  2. So glad you & big Mummy had a lovely hols! My love to you all and Auntie E when you see her

    love Auntie Linseed
