Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Res'lutions and Stuff

Happy New Year from me, Klu! It's 2007! That's kind of 'mazing. It was 2006 for a really long time, and then all we had to do was go to bed after the fireworks and it was 2007 when we woke up. I think that's 'mazing.

I decided to make some New Year's Res'lutions for 2007. (Res'lutions are things you decide to do.)

1. I'm gonna stop worrying about the weird crease on my tummy. (I just looked in the mirror, and I think it's getting bigger, but I'm not worrying 'bout it.) Ever since I met Samuel and 'scovered he had a weird crease too, I didn't worry quite as much about my weird crease. I think I just have it cuz I don't have much stuffin'. I wish I had as much stuffin' as Blu. Blu doesn't have a weird crease on his tummy.

2. I'm gonna write some ph'losophy on my blog sometimes. (Ph'losophy is all the stuff you think 'bout life.) I wrote some ph'losophy a few times when I told about stuff I wondered 'bout.

3. I'm gonna stop comparin' myself to Blu. (Big Mummy will probably think this is a really good New Year's Res'lution, cuz she's always telling me not to compare myself to Blu.) When I compare myself to Blu, I just get mad at him cuz he's always better than me at everything, and his head is bigger than mine, and he's got more stuffin'.

That's all the Res'lutions I can think of right now. If I make some more, I'll write another post and tell you.


PS. Samuel, if you're reading this, I miss you somethin' fierce. I can't wait till you start your own blog.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I like you beter than Blu! He is not better at you in everything it's the oppisite.

