I feel all squiggly on the inside, cuz I got picked for bein' the Blog of the Day. I like bein' a Famous Bloggin' Bear, but sometimes bein' famous makes me feel squiggly. Big Mummy said she was real proud of me, and that made me feel squiggly too.
I know it's not Balentine's Day yet, but I asked Big Mummy if we could make our cards for Balentine's Day, and she said yes. And she said cuz it's a special 'ccasion, we could get out ALL the art s'pplies. Usually she doesn't let us get out all the art s'pplies all at once, cuz we make a mess. But tonight is a special 'ccasion. So we got to use the paints and the markers and the pastels and the glue and the scissors and stuff to make our Balentine's cards. Here's some pictures of all of us doin' some paintin' and some drawin' and some gluin'. (You can tell that I'm me, and Blu is Blu cuz his head is bigger than mine, and he's got more stuffin'.)

We made a Balentine's card for Uncle Captain J and Auntie Ch. I want to be a Captain Bear, just like Uncle Captain J when I grow up. 'Cept now I'm a Famous Bloggin' Bear, so I don't know if I have enough time to be a Sailor Bear too. But I want to be a Sailor Bear on the David B (that's Uncle Captain J's boat) again next summer. Here's a picture of Bruno looking at the Balentine we made for Uncle Captain J and Auntie Ch.

Roma had the greatest idea ever. She made an open-and-shut thing. We wrote some Balentine's messages on the inside. Here's a picture of Roma writing some Balentine's messages on the inside of the open-and-shut thing. I love Roma a lot. She's the best muppet I know. And she knows lots of big words.

Wilb'rina didn't make any Balentine's cuz she was too busy doin' some 'vestigatin'. ('Vestigatin' is what you do to find out stuff.) Here's a picture of Wilb'rina 'vestigatin' the paint water. She almost put her nose in the paint water, but Big Mummy came in just then, and said, "WilbuRINA," in that certain voice. So Wilb'rina didn't put her nose quite in the paint water.

I have to go to bed now. I asked Big Mummy if I could stay up later cuz it's a special 'ccasion, but she just said, "KLU," in that certain voice. I have to do some sleepin' cuz Hannah G and Samuel are comin' to visit us tomorrow. I miss Samuel somethin' fierce. I haven't seen him since he got 'dopted by Hannah G at Christmas. But I gotta do some sleepin' before they get here.
Klu the Famous Bloggin' Bear (Huh. Huh. That made me laugh. I signed my blog like that before, but now I'm even famous-er. That makes me laugh.)
congrats on being bestest blog of the day!
Way to go on being Bestest Blog!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your award. You deserve it. I already knew this was a great blog, now a lot of others will find out too.
ReplyDeleteHi, um, it's me, Klu.
ReplyDeleteI woke my Big Mummy up early this mornin' to find out how many people had looked at my blog (Get a Klu). I feel all squiggly on the inside, cuz already more than 200 people looked at it since yesterday, and it's just the mornin'.
Thank you for your comments. I like comments a lot.
Klu the Bear
Congratulations, you sexy thing.
ReplyDeleteI stole a photo, and posted a link in "My Jar of Buttons". I hope you approve.
Can't wait to see what Klu gets into next!
What fun! I don't usually laugh out loud (more of a hhhmmmmmhhh). This was laugh out loud! Congratulations on being the Bestest Blog.
ReplyDeleteKlu, congrats on your success.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love your blog! Klu- you are gifted in blogging.
ReplyDeleteIt sure looks like you had fun making your Balentine's Cards. It's always fun being able to get out all of the art supplies!