Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Waitin' For Uncle Kermit

Hi, it's me, Klu. Happy 4th of July. Huh. Huh. I'm a Swedish-Scottish-'Merican bear, so it's only the 'Merican part of me that's wishin' you a happy 4th of July.

Um, this is just a really quick post, cuz we're gonna go soon for a barbecue and then the fireworks. I just wanted to show you that picture at the top of this post. It's a picture of us kids waitin' for Uncle Kermit to come for dinner. We've got the best window I ever saw, and we can do lots of watchin' from our window. When we moved here, we could even see the mountain where we do some rock-climbin', but it's all covered up now cuz of the leaves. So we just watch other stuff, like the cars goin' by. 'Cept when we're waitin' for Uncle Kermit. Then we watch for his car. It's got lots of stickers on it. That's how we know it's his car.

Klu the Bear


  1. happy 4th of July to you too (except its the 5th now but never mind)

    love from Auntie Linseed on her brand new computer at home!!!

  2. Um, Auntie Linseed, I don't know if you're 'llowed to wish me Happy 4th of July, cuz we 'scaped from you. I wouldn't be a partly 'Merican bear if we hadn't 'scaped from you.

    Klu the Bear

  3. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Are you guys STILL waitin' for Uncle Kermit? I am gettin' bored waitin' for him!!!!

    love, auntie e
