Two 'citin'-est ever things already happened today. The first 'citin'-est thing ever is that it's doin' lots of snowin' here. When we woke up, we looked out the window, and it's snowin' and snowin'. That means we're havin' a white Christmas. That makes me real happy. I like snow a lot.
The other 'citin'-est thing ever is that Uncle Kerms gave me a dollar for Christmas! I never had my own dollar! My Big Mummy sometimes gives me some pennies or dimes to play with, but I never had my own dollar. First I was gonna use it to buy some gummy worms, but then I did some consultin' with Uncle Kerms, and he said if I went to the grocery store at the right time, I could get three Snickers bars for a dollar. If I got three Snickers bars, I could give each of the kids half a Snickers bar, cuz there's six of us: me, Wilbs, Dars, Speedy, Bruno, and Janna Ganna. But I don't think Speedy will like a Snickers bar very much, cuz he's a turtle and turtles mostly eat stuff like spinach and fish. So maybe he could give me his half.
Here's a picture of me sitting in the snow with my dollar. We're gonna do some playin' in the snow as soon as we're done with breakfast.

Klu the rich bear (huh huh, that made me laugh)
PS. It's still doin' some snowin', so there's already more snow on the balcony railing than when I took my photo.
Hello Klu - a happy and merry Christmas to you to! You got snow - wow you're so lucky. We just got drizzle!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Klu! I did send your big Mummy an e-card.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to more of your adventures!
lots of love
Auntie Linseed
Hi, Klu. Guess what I got from Santa. I got a Klu bear, and I call him Klu, after you. I love him very much.