Today me and the other kids decided to make our own nativity scene. I was the Three Wise Men. Dars was Mother Mary. Bruno was Mr. Joseph. Wilburina was one of the sheep in the manger. Janna Ganna was the angel that sang, "Hark the herald angels sing." (That's my favorite Christmas carol ever.) And Speedy was the Baby Jesus, wrapped in swaddlin' clothes, 'cept we couldn't make him take off his bling. Here's a picture of us makin' our own nativity scene.

Big Mummy told me that the Three Wise Men looked 'doringly at the Baby Jesus when they gave him gold and frank-sense and mirr. (I don't know how to spell those words, but that's what the Three Wise Men brought the Baby Jesus.) Here's some pictures of me lookin' 'doringly at the Baby Jesus after I gave him my gold and stuff. (We did some pretendin' that the gourd was my gift to the Baby Jesus.)

Wilbs was the best sheep in the manger I ever saw. Here's a picture of her dressed up as a sheep.

Janna Ganna did lots of singin' while we were makin' our nativity. She was the best angel I ever saw. She sang "Hark the Herald Angels Sing," and "Away In The Manger" and "Jingle Bells Rock" and lots of other Christmas songs for the Baby Jesus.

Speedy got tired of bein' wrapped up in his swaddlin' clothes, so we decided to play something else. But he was the best Baby Jesus I ever saw.
PS. I love Christmas a lot.
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