It takes a long time for my Big Mummy and Uncle Kerms to get ready for bacation. Here's a picture of me doin' some waitin' and bein' bored before we went on our bacation. I was sitting in Big Mummy's purse so she couldn't forget me.
We went to the prettiest campground you ever saw. Here's a picture of the prettiest campground you ever saw.
I did some sittin' and some lookin' and the prettiest campground you ever saw while Big Mummy and Uncle Kerms set up our tent. Here's a picture of me doin' some sittin' and some lookin' while Big Mummy and Uncle Kerms set up our tent.
Auntie E came and she made a campfire. She's the best campfire-maker I ever knew. Here's a picture of me sitting on Uncle Kerms's lap and watchin' the campfire that Auntie E made. (I love Auntie E somethin' fierce.)
When you do some campin', you get to sleep in the tent. Here's a picture of me and my Big Mummy wakin' up in the tent.
Uncle Kerms was already up cuz he had to make the coffee and the oatmeal. Grownups need to drink coffee even when they're doin' some campin'. I just ate oatmeal and drank milk. Here's a picture of me eatin' some oatmeal.
I got lots more to tell you 'bout our bacation, but I gotta go now cuz Wilbsie wants to do some playin'. I'll tell you more 'bout our bacation tomorrow.
Klu the Famous Bloggin' Bear (Huh huh. That's funny.)
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