I promised my Instagram followers (I'm a famous Instagram Bear now) that I would send them a hug if they needed one. You can use this hug too. It's for everyone. It's the biggest hug ever, and it feels really warm and cozy.
My feet got cut off in that picture, so just in case you wanted to see my feet, here's another hug:
I'm wearing Big Mummy's giveaway prize. If you want see it so good, here's another hug where you can see the giveaway prize too:
If you didn't sign up yet for Big Mummy's giveaway, you should click here and sign up. Maybe you'll win the prize and then you'll be Even More Happier.
I ruhlly like being happy. Mostly I'm a Pretty Happy Bear. But sometimes I turn into a Sad Bear. Or a Grumpy Bear. (That's usu'lly when I get in a fight with Darsie. She's my little sister and I love her somethin' FIERCE, but she always d'cides to be annoying just when I'm feeling like a Grumpy Bear.)
Anyways, I like being happy a LOT. Do you like being happy?
Want to know what I do when I feel like a Sad Bear or a Grumpy Bear, and I want to be a More Happier Bear? I climb a tree. Climbin' some trees is my favorite thing in the whole world, and I get more happier when I climb a tree.
But you know how sometimes you just can't climb a tree? Maybe it's doin' some rainin' and you don't feel like getting your furs wet. Or maybe you're in a meadow and there's no trees.
But you're feeling like a Sad Bear or a Grumpy Bear and you really want to get More Happier.
When that happens to me, I use my 'magination. I 'magine climbing a tree and it makes me More Happier.
The other day it was rainin' somethin' FIERCE. I felt like a Grumpy Bear. But then I used my 'magination, and 'magined I was climbin' a tree and I felt more happier. Later, was telling my Big Mummy 'bout using my 'magination and how first I was a Grumpy Bear and then I was a More Happier Bear. She said that was so good I should share how to do it with you. So I made you a bideo.
Do you want to be more happier? You should watch this bideo.
After you watch my bideo, if it makes you into a More Happier Bear, you should write me a comment and tell me. I like comments a LOT.
I've been helpin' Big Mummy make LOTS of earrings and other jools. I'm gonna write a blog soon 'bout doin' some helpin', but this blog is 'bout Wilbsie pickin' her favorite earrings.
Wilbsie likes to say 'oin.' She says 'oin' a lot in this bideo.
Here's the bideo so you can watch it:
If you like the earrings that Wilbsie picked, you can buy them here.