Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Goin' Posterin' with Big Mummy

 Hi, um, it's me, Klu the Bear!

Me and my Big Mummy have been doin' some posterin' for her next big ebent. Posterin' is when you go around to all the bull'tin boards with your push pins, and stick up posters. We're posterin' right now for the Summer Waterfront Arts Market. Big Mummy says I'm s'posed to write that it's bein' hosted by Bellingham Makers Market. And it's goin' on at the same time as Noisy Waters Mural Fest, down at the pump track. Did you ever ride your bike at the pump track? It's the funnest place to ride cuz it's got jumps and curves and stuff. You should come to the market and the mural festival. My Big Mummy will be selling her jewelry.

Here's the poster so you can see it up close:


Klu the Bear

Friday, August 02, 2024

Wibsie Got Her Wish!

 Hi, um, it's me, Klu the Bear!

I haven't done so many posts cuz it's summer, and we've been doin' a lot of playin'. But Big Mummy said she needs me to be her Spokesbear cuz she's makin' so much jools and we have to tell you 'bout it. But this post isn't 'bout new jools - it's about somethin' really 'citing for Wilbsie.

She got her ears pierced!

We went to that one place in the mall, and Big Mummy asked if they could have two people do both Wilbsie's ears at once. You know, so she wouldn't run off and let them do the second one or somethin'. Big Mummy held her ears up, cuz they flop down sometimes. The two people workin' there got all lined up, and then did it at the 'zact same time.

Wibsie jumped in the air and started running in circles, squealin' like a stuck pig. 

But afterwards, she was really 'cited and kept 'miring herself in the mirror.

I don't think the people in the store ever pierced a pig's ears before.


Klu the Bear

PS. I don't think I want to get my ears pierced now.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Here's a Hug in Case You Need It

 Hi, um, it's me, Klu the Bear.

I promised my Instagram followers (I'm a famous Instagram Bear now) that I would send them a hug if they needed one. You can use this hug too. It's for everyone. It's the biggest hug ever, and it feels really warm and cozy.

My feet got cut off in that picture, so just in case you wanted to see my feet, here's another hug:

I'm wearing Big Mummy's giveaway prize. If you want see it so good, here's another hug where you can see the giveaway prize too:

If you didn't sign up yet for Big Mummy's giveaway, you should click here and sign up. Maybe you'll win the prize and then you'll be Even More Happier.

Klu the Bear

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Do You Want to Be More Happier?

 Hi, it's me, Klu the Bear!

I ruhlly like being happy. Mostly I'm a Pretty Happy Bear. But sometimes I turn into a Sad Bear. Or a Grumpy Bear. (That's usu'lly when I get in a fight with Darsie. She's my little sister and I love her somethin' FIERCE, but she always d'cides to be annoying just when I'm feeling like a Grumpy Bear.)

Anyways, I like being happy a LOT. Do you like being happy? 

Want to know what I do when I feel like a Sad Bear or a Grumpy Bear, and I want to be a More Happier Bear? I climb a tree. Climbin' some trees is my favorite thing in the whole world, and I get more happier when I climb a tree.

But you know how sometimes you just can't climb a tree? Maybe it's doin' some rainin' and you don't feel like getting your furs wet. Or maybe you're in a meadow and there's no trees.

But you're feeling like a Sad Bear or a Grumpy Bear and you really want to get More Happier.

When that happens to me, I use my 'magination. I 'magine climbing a tree and it makes me More Happier.

The other day it was rainin' somethin' FIERCE. I felt like a Grumpy Bear. But then I used my 'magination, and 'magined I was climbin' a tree and I felt more happier. Later, was telling my Big Mummy 'bout using my 'magination and how first I was a Grumpy Bear and then I was a More Happier Bear. She said that was so good I should share how to do it with you. So I made you a bideo. 

Do you want to be more happier? You should watch this bideo.

After you watch my bideo, if it makes you into a More Happier Bear, you should write me a comment and tell me. I like comments a LOT.


Klu the More Happier Bear

Friday, May 03, 2024

Want to Know Which Earrings Wilbsie Picked?

 Hi, it's me, um, Klu the Bear!

I've been helpin' Big Mummy make LOTS of earrings and other jools. I'm gonna write a blog soon 'bout doin' some helpin', but this blog is 'bout Wilbsie pickin' her favorite earrings.

Wilbsie likes to say 'oin.' She says 'oin' a lot in this bideo.

Here's the bideo so you can watch it:

If you like the earrings that Wilbsie picked, you can buy them here.

Isn't Wilbsie the cutest pig you ever saw?


Klu the Bear

Monday, April 01, 2024

It's My Birfday!

 Hi, it's me, um, Klu!

Today is April 1st, and it's my birfday! My birfday has always been on April Fools Day, ever since I got born. 

One of my birfday presents was a new bike helmet. I outgrewed my old one cuz my head got bigger. Here's a picture of me wearin' one of my birfday presents this morning. I'm wearin' Big Mummy's giveaway prize too. You can see it on my tummy - the moon and star pendant. (If you want to enter her giveaway, you can click HERE, but do it later, 'kay, when you're done readin' my blog.) If you win the giveaway, it'll be kinda like your birfday too!

The reason I was wearing my new birfday helmet was cuz me and Big Mummy rode to Pure Bliss to get my birfday cake! Sometimes I ride my own bike, but today I rode on the back of Big Mummy's bike. Here's a bideo before we left. I'm on the back of Big Mummy's bike. You should watch my bideo.

Here's a picture of how I hang on when we're going really fast.

Pure Bliss is my most favorite place in the world. They have lots of cakes. I always get the Chocolate Bliss Cake. It's the best cake. Here's a  bideo of me pointing at the Chocolate Bliss Cake. (I didn't ruhlly need to do some pointin' cuz Big Mummy already knew which cake I wanted. I always get the Chocolate Bliss Cake.)

Sometimes we sit on the pink sofas and eat our cake, but today we took it home. But I wanted to look at it first. Here's a poto of me doin' some lookin' at my Chocolate Bliss Cake on the pink sofa before we took it home.

I got a striped candle too.

I wanted to look at my cake again when we got home, but Big Mummy said I just needed to put it in the fridge. Here's a picture of me wishin' I could look at my cake again.

Now I gotta do some waitin' till after dinner. Here's me doin' some waiting till after dinner so I can eat my cake.

Don't forget to sign up for Big Mummy's giveaway. Now you can do it cuz you read my whole blog. You can click HERE.


Klu the Bear

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Did You Ever Do the Scariest Thing EVER?

Hi, it's me, Klu.

Did you ever do the scariest thing EVER? I did the scariest thing EVER today. I did a live bideo on Instagram. And I even let the kids be in my live bideo. Here's my live bideo:

The bideo is all about my Big Mummy's collection. The other kids did some modelin' of the jools in the collection. They were 'cited 'bout doin' some modelin'. We did some practicin' before we started the live bideo, but it still made my hands sweat. You never know what a duck or a pig is gonna do, you know?

In case you can't see the jools very good when the other kids are doin' some modelin', here's the 'fficial picture of them.

Her collection is gonna do some droppin' pretty soon. That means you can do some buyin'. If you want to be the first to know when her collection does some droppin', you should sign up for her email list. Here's where you sign up for her email list:

Sign Up Here!


Klu the Bear

PS. If you sign up, you'll be entered in her giveaway drawing too.